Whether they want to grow up to be a farmer or a firefighter, as parents and grandparents we want to support them and their dreams, as best we can.
Polish National Financial Services our CFS* Financial Advisors can help you; help your children and grandchildren by:
Discussing the different plans available and uncovering what’s best for your family:
- 529 Plans**
- Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
- UGMA & UTMA Custodial Accounts for Minors
Answer frequently asked questions by Grandparents
- Will Medicaid count my Grandchild’s 529 plans as a part of my assets?
- Can I access the money in the event of an emergency?
- Can a 529 plan affect my grandchild’s chance of receiving Financial Aid?
To learn more about higher education planning needs, contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation appointment.